Monday, January 18, 2010


I just got back from Kuantan Specialist Hospital a moment ago. My dearest gynie, Dato' Goh scanned my tummy as usual, and joked that he owed me the sex of the baby. After a few minutes scanning, and turning to the left side to see the sex, he said it's most probably a boy. There's a tiny white dot on the scanner monitor in between the baby's legs, and he said if it's a girl, there should not be any. He said he will need to confirm again next month. But my heart already jolted with unimaginable joy.
This is Noah when he was around 5 months old. Mummy love you, Noah Boy.

My heart is singing today. I am going to have another boy. What a bless that is. Actually I dont really mind either sex, as long as I get to hold the baby, love him unconditionally and watch him grow to be a good human being, be it girl or boy, it's the same to me. I am blessed and grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to have children and experience Motherhood. I would trade everything else in the world for my family. I love them with all my heart and soul.

Next month I can start planning for the nursery, and shopping for the baby will be really fun. I cant wait. But we are short of cash next month because I have started paying for my condo and it's due for rental. I do hope my agent can get a tenant soon, so my financial burden is lightened.

Anyhow, I am happy! It's a boy! My Noah will be the happiest I guess because he wants a baby boy too, so he can play Transformers and Hot Wheels Cars with his baby brother. I guess my 6 year old Noah's prayers have been answered by God the Almighty.

Thank You Allah for all the blessing.

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