Monday, August 27, 2012


Dia start masuk kerja bulan April 2012, so kira baru 4-5 bulan kerja. Dia Project Manager di tempat kerja aku sekarang ni. Kerja tak lah mudah, banyak bende nak kene pikir, banyak bende nak kene settle. Semua kene organize. 

Selama aku ada kat sini, aku selalu guide dia, bagi dia idea cane nak buat.

Orangnya memang ok, secara lahiriah nye, nampak macam warak, ber"goatie" dan nampak gaya macam orang alim dan berumur padahal dia jauh lagi muda dari aku. Dia panggil aku KAK LIA.

Mula-mula kerja dulu, dia dihantar ke Klang workshop, dia di hantar sana untuk familairize dengan system dan cara kerja kami. More or less macam on-job-training macam tu.
Dua minggu atau tinga minggu lamanya.

Dalam masa tu juga, kami dapat order dari Flexsys untuk fabricate tangki sebanyak 7 biji. Mata bulat semua orang, order close to 2.5 milliom ringgit. semua happy. semua senyum.

Tup-tup, kene buat kick-off meeting kat Singapore sebab consultant untuk Flexsys memang kat Singapore. Consultant nak ajak meeting di Singapore. Maka terpaksalah project team ni pergi. Dia tak boleh pergi. HR cerita panjang lah dengan aku kenapa dia tak boleh pergi. Rupa-rupanya hutang PTPTN tak bayar. So passport International tak leh buat, katanya...
Aku geleng kepala, dalam hati, itu masalah peribadi, kenapa tak settle? 
So dia memang tak pergi. Yang pergi ke Singapore adalah engineer kami dan project team yang lain.

Setibanya dia ke office di kemaman, dalam 2-3 hari lepas tu, dia cerita kat aku pasal hutang PTPTN dia tu lah. Aku bagi nasihat selamba - "you kene settle hal peribadi you, jangan sampai melibatkan kerja you...pandai-pandai lah you settle..."
Aku pelik kenapa tetiba nak cerita kat aku, padahal bende tu amat sensitif bagi seorang lelaki, tapi dia cerita jugak. Last-last, betul tekaan aku, dia nak pinjam duit.
Aku tanya dia nak buat apa, dia kata hutang PTPTN dia sangkut sebanyak RM5000, kalau dia boleh settle hutang dia yang tu, dia boleh bebas buat loan. Dia mintak aku tolong. Aku tercengang. Ha? baru je keje, aku baru kenal dia, dah mula pinjam duit? cane ni? aku terdiam. Aku cuma cakap -"tak pe la, nanti akak try bincang-bincang dengan hubby tengok banyak mana boleh tolong." 
Aku buat senyap je pasal issue tu, tak mention langsung, dan dia pun tak tanya.

Seminggu sebelum hari raya 19-20 Ogos hari tu, dia masuk bilik aku, bagi tahu dia ada hal penting nak cakap dengan aku. Aku ingatkan pasal kerja, aku pun pergilah.
Tengok-tengok dia bercerita pasal duit lagi. Kali ni dia cakap dia segan dengan engineer dia, sebab kalau pergi KL meeting, asyik nak kene naik kereta engineer dia aje, sebab kereta dia sungguh teruk keadaanya. Kancil dan sudah tua. Banyak problem, katanya.
Dia cakap dia nak beli second hand Honda Accord. Dia nak pinjam duit lagi dari aku.
Aku pun nasihat la, jangan cari pasal nak beli kereta second hand. Nanti banyak rosak, warranty tak de, lagi banyak duit keluar. Beli baru terus. Aku tak tahu lah apa yang masuk dalam kepala dia.

Pada hari raya kedua atau ketiga, dia call aku beberapa kali, tapi aku busy gila, aku tak angkat. Tengok-tengok dia ada sms aku, bagi tahu yang duit raya untuk aku, liza dan mokteh dah hilang. Dia kata dia simpan di rumah dan dengan duit dia sekali lesap.
Aku tak tahu samada nak percaya atau tak, tapi honestly, aku macam ragu-ragu dengan dia. Aku rasa, dia memang nak pakai duit tu dulu dan nak delay bayar, so dia bagi alasan lah yang duit tu dah hilang. Dia seolah-olah nak suruh aku cakap dengan liza dan mokteh,tapi aku bagi tahu dia, cakap sendiri lah, elok-elok. Rasa diaorang boleh terima kot. Tapi aku memang syak dia ni tak jujur dah.

Hari ni, 27 Ogos 2012, kami ada internal meeting. Bincang pasal project, pasal issue-issue workshop. Tup-tup dia mention pasal scrap carbon steel dengan stainless steel kami. Aku cepat-cepat jawap - "pasal scrap ni, very sensitive issue, apa-apa scrap sekalipun, belongs to MMC, you kene refer pada account department before you do anything, they will decide what to do. Scrap kita akan simpan".

Aku, Liza dengan Ayapa mula la rasa resah sebab mamat ni nampak macam bakal akan jadi trouble kalau tak di pantau. Dia sebagai ketua, sepatutnya dia kene tunjukkan teladan yang elok pada engineer dan colleagues yang lain, barulah mereka respect.

Hai pening..... dah lah minggu ni aku last kerja kat sini, macam2 plak aku dapat tengok...risau plak rasa tinggalkan mereka-mereka ni.... Liza dan ayapa pun rasa macam aku jugak... 


Sunday, August 26, 2012


Ever since I have put in my resignation, there are a few phone calls from the bosses asking me to re-think about my intention. But until today, there is no firm counters  that I can re-consider.

As of today, the resignation clock is still ticking and I am still leaving.
In fact I am so excited to join the new company, BASF-Petronas, even though the enviroment might be a bit tough (having to work from square one), but I can really cherish every single effort, and I am going to stay there for a very long time.
I weighed all consequences and here they are :

1. Closer to home (takes only 20 minutes to office)
2. Offer better money.
3. New area - procurement is something new to me, and I am willing to experience the challenges and makes me more versatile.
4. I dont get to go out that much anymore, since the new post - people will look for me.
5. Same holidays and rest days with hubby. Since both are in Kuantan, we can enjoy more family time.

1. I have nice environment to work, I like my bosses, my colleagues, my engineers and team members, they are okay and we can work very well together.
2. Doing vendor works is a walk in the park for me, easy since 2002 I have been doing vendor works.
3. Lesser pay, but I am happy.
4. Very far from home, i have to travel 1 hour to get to work every single day.
5. More responsibility. At the moment, I am looking after the workshop and there are tonnes of thing to look after and to be done.
6. Currently I am doing a lot of travelling and that requires alot of energy.

So if you were in my shoe, wouldnt you agree with me?

Monday, July 23, 2012


I had an interview last week for a Manager- Project Mechanical position @ BASF Petronas Chemicals in Gebeng , Kuantan. The post is very technical and I flunked in the interview badly, but not very badly in terms of performance.
Today I had another phone call from BASF Petronas, to sit for another interview for Manager - Project Procurement.
Wow! I wonder what that would be like! Another postition but it's a non-technical postition. Sounds interesting, but if I managed to get the job, I will be very very happy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Financing a business

Wow..this has been the most difficult task I ever took on on a serious level, maintaining a business.
My baby gear shop in Megamall is not doing very well nowadays and I have to get another job to support myself. I cannot entirely rely on the business alone to sustain my living, therefore I decided to go back to work. This past few months, business have been quite slow and I am no longer convinced that having a small kiosk in Megamall can sustain the business. I need help. Either I have to ask from the management to lower down the rental fee or I have to move elsewhere.
I need to discuss with my staff before I move elsewhere because if not, my staff have to move along with the shop location. I am fed up with Megamall management and I really dont want to stay there forever doing business. I might as well just stay focus on my job and doing some promotions, every now and then to sell of my baby gears until I can clear everything. I plan not to purchase anymore stocks after this. I freeze stock movement for another month or so, see how the trend is going.
This thursday we are having promotions in East Coast Mall and I want to participate. My staff is all ready and gearde up for it. But the question is, What's Next?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have been on the job for almost 3 months now.
The most taunting part about my job is that I have to take care of my staff and their performance.
The most fun of my job is that people have to listen to me. Sounds evil but I love it.
Its not many times I get this opportunity to be where I am right now, with much authority. Last job was relaxed but it sucked big time.
I hope I am on the right track knowing that a lot of people are leaving the company, and with little guidance I have to maneuver the branch into a profitable and operable branch.
Its a great challenge for me and I am all geared up for it.
I just hope that I have great team and people who are loyal and good team players are here.
Naha, Liza, Mus, Rosli and the latest addition Azrul seems to be okay so far..

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today there's a new hire coming in. He is hired as QC Inspector. Quite young guy wearing a simple red collar shirt and jean. The fun part was that I didnt notice he is in the office until I called him today. Ha ha ha ha...
Crazy me, as always.
Then we chatted for a while. I plan to have an orientation with him maybe this week or so. The other QC Inspector will come in on the 14th April 2012. Then there will be more people coming in after, Project Engineers etc.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I  am totally into Music and Movies, I love both so much that I always fill up my life with whatever songs and movies I hear. Even on the radio, even from the very first release of the song, I can tell easily which becoming my favourite.

I wanted to watch grammy awards, but them I had to go out with the kids. I sacrifiide it. When I come back home, the show has finished. I got frustrated a little, wanting to know when it will be shown again.

Last night was the Academy Awards night, I love movies, and I love movies with strong messages. Even hubby sometimes thinks I take the movies too seriously , till I talk in my sleep after watching some good ones. My favourite is always action and comedy. My fave actor will definitely be Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Meryl Streep

Monday, February 20, 2012


Pagi tadi jumpa member baik lama kat Gebeng. Minum pagi, kene segelas Nescafe Tarek. Aku pun dah lama tak jumpa member aku ni. Dulu dia buat admin je, tapi sekarang dah jadi Branch Manager kat situ. Sungguh bercaliber dan sungguh bekerja keras punye orang. Keje plak dengan company cina, memang susah nak jumpa orang Melayu boleh kerja lama nak masuk 10 tahun dengan company cina dan dia diberi kepercayaan penuh untuk lead the branch. Dia busy gila dengan project dia, dia jaga project sekarang. 

Yang best nye, semalam aku ternampak staff dia mintak keje kat company aku. Aku pun terus call dia, nak bertanya kenapa mamat tu nak blah dari tempat dia, So terkeluarlah bende-bende yang tak elok pasal mamat yang nak mintak keje tu.

Member aku cakap, "Budak IC 11 memang bahaya babe.. nak cari yang betul-betul boleh buat kerja, memang susah sesangat..". Aku dengan terpinga-pinga tanya dia, "apa tu? IC 11?"
Member aku gelak besar, jawap " Ala..IC 11, kan Terengganu punye orang"..
Aku pun nak tak nak mengangguk..."ooooo ye la.. memang pun!" 

Dia pun tengah cari project engineer, tapi kalau boleh tak nak cari yang IC 11 ni. Dia nak cari yang lain.. 

Aku pun nak tak nak, rasa macam bersetuju dengan member aku ni, Pengalaman aku dengan company lama sudah cukup mengatakan bahawa orang-orang IC 11 ni, sungguh tak tau buat kerja. Pada pendapat aku, they all ni paling pandai bercakap, tapi when the time comes, they never walk the talk.
Lagi satu aku perasan, they all pandai sungguh membodek-bodek. Bab-bab membodek tu, macam dah dilahirkan macam tu..memang suka sangat! Tak payah diajar pun..memang dah pandai dah..

Satu lagi, kalau suruh buat apa-apa.. mesti cakap "bereh boh!" - maksudnya "Sudah bos"..bende tu macam dah automatik keluar dari mulut dia orang.. tak payah di ajar... memang akan pandai punye cakap.. tapi sebenarnya, bila kita tengok satu persatu kerja dia, banyak bende yang "dok bereh" - "Tak Beres lagi.."

Aku sendiri banyak terkena. Nak harapkan they all buat semua bende tanpa involvelment kita, memang TAKKAN BERLAKU punye...In the end, kita terpaksa monitor satu-persatu kerja dia. Aku kene jadi MICRO MANAGER when it comes to "IC 11" ni..

Aku sungguh takut sebab company aku nak hire a few project engineers and project managers for our upcoming project in March this year. Yang aku nampak, resume bertimbun-timbun masuk mintak kerja adalah geng-geng "IC 11" ni... aku tertanya-tanya, manakah pergi nya orang dari tempat lain? Dah tak de orang lain ke? Aku kalau boleh tak nak lah MMC ni dipenuhi dengan geng-geng IC 11 , dan kemudian hari nanti , ramai yang tak boleh buat kerja, aku plak yang kene buat kerja dia.

Dan aku ternanti-nanti jugak kot-kot ada pompuan yang nak mintak kerja. Asyik lelaki je.. adusss! bosannnya!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


People often ask me,

"why you need to work? You already have a husband who can support you financially, and you have your own business to run now. You dont need a job"

My business can run on its own now. Income is quite steady but not that much to cover for my own lifestyle. I have loans to pay off and many other things to pay. I have residence loan, my car loan and above all my study loan. That's a hell lot of loans!

I need a permanent job hoping to support all that, and above all, I am not ready to be a housewife. I will never be I think!

Not to misjudge my hubby or what, but it's for security reason too. Just in case in the future, something happens to my hubby, at least I can have money to care for my own kids. Everyday it's not always sunny. Sometimes it will rain.