Thursday, November 12, 2009

I had a bit of a rowl with my husband the other day about some house chores. I am pregnant right now and I am feeling very tired and sleepy most of the time. I read it in pregnancy books, and confirms that I am not a alien in feeling like so, coz it's normal.
My spouse commented about some dishes I left in the sink because I felt too sick and tired to wash it, I lied down in bed and took a nap. I totally forgot about the dishes.
When he came back, he started commenting about me not keeping the house in order. I snapped! I tried to explain it's not that I purposely feel this way, but I do. It's natural feeling of nausea and vomitting that keeps me feeling very tired everyday for the past 2 months (I am now 11 weeks pregnant). Words keeps on flying between my husband and I until there's a final silence, I retreat into a corner and keep quiet for the whole night, sleeping in pain.

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking about why men do not try to understand how we, women feel when we are pregnant. I bought a number of pregnancy books ever since I got pregnant with my 5 year old son, but I never see him take any interest in reading those books, or at the least flip the pages to see the pictures. No. Not at all. Why??
It's his doing that get me knocked up anyway, and once I am in the swaying of pregnancy blues, why he pretend he doesnt want to know about it? Does he even care?
Or is it just the male ego that makes him act that way?

Any of you who have feedbacks about this, lets comment.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Its been a while since I wrote. Here I am again.
This time, I would like to share my experience, being pregnant.
I am now 10 weeks and counting. It's too early to say anything but being optimistic always helps, and the baby will be happier too if I am optimistic.
If any one of you would like to share your pregnancy experience with me, please do so.. you are welcome!

When I found out I was pregnant, it was after Hari Raya time, in September. When I went for check up, just to confirm my pregnancy, my gynie was skeptical whether I was really pregnant. So he asked to scan the baby through the vagina instead of the tummy. So I did. and true enough, I was pregnant.
I was very happy.
But the hormone raging up and down takes some toll on me. I started feeling queasy and exhausted all the time. I can barely cook for my family, I can barely do the dishes. Luckily my dearest hubby is the most loving and understanding hubby I have, he cleans and do the laundry for me. We eat out.
Taking care of my 5 year old son also takes a toll on me during these period, therefore I cautiously tell him every now and then that mommy is tired, mommy have a baby in her tummy. He understands it right away. I am blessed with understanding family.