Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Office Politics

Based on my own experience and of my friends's, office politics is everywhere. Any company we join in, there will be office politics. The question is, whether we should get involved, stay on the fence or join one of the group?

My own experience tells me that if we stay on the fence, we are neither here or there, we are never safe either. When VSS or retrenchment is on the way, these "on the fence" group is normally will be in the list. The tribunal of losing the job will be obvious for these groups because the management sees that this group will not be supported by other people or groups of people, they are merely on their own, therefore becomes an easy target.

But what if we wish to join a group/gang, which side you think we should get into? How safe will you be from retrenchment etc of you join any of these groups?

There are some guidelines on how to turn this scenario around, to your own advantage without feeling like a major suck up:

1. Determine the core values of the group. Normally this will take time. The longer time you take, the more you get to know what are their values, what they fight for. If it suits what you seek in employment & growth, by all means, you can join them.

2. Determine what makes them tick. This also will take a longer time. What motivates this group to form allies are very important, once you know this, you can blend in in no time. 

3. "Birds of the same feather always flock together"- groups are formed merely on the basis of mutual likeness, mutual understanding. They are of the same type of people, and they have a lot in common. Find their commonness and see where you fit in.

4. Who is the Boss? Every group has a head, or the big boss. See who is the boss and whether you like the boss too to join in.

5. Sucking up - is there any major sucking up to do when you are in the group? If the sucking up is not worth the effort, then do not join. Normally if the group is strong and established, have a good boss, there's not much sucking up to do. SO it's up to you.

6. How influential is the group? If the group consists of major shareholders and directors, maybe it's a very safe group to be with. But beware too, that major shareholders might only protect their own interest, not their employees per say. So be wise before choosing a side.

7. How does the group affect your monetary and bonuses scheme? It's wise to join a group that can elevate your monetary income and bonuses. After all, money is a motivator for all, and everybody works for money. So, why not making this choice a wise one for your pocket too.

Once you have chosen your group, never do what other idiots do, talk bad things about the other group members or try to stir up some feathers. Remember, being in a group does not mean you have to be mean to the one you did not chose to be with. Stay neutral and comment the least. One day you might find out that the group that you joined isnt relevant or in some kind of trouble, you need a ticket to switch to the other side, that is when people remember what you have done to them. Play nice and be cool about everything. After all, we are only humans. Anything can happen. If you burn bridges or create a fuss or fights, people will remember you for the worse and not many people are willing to sacrifice their rice bowl to protect you if you are in trouble later. 

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